Construction Contract & Adjudication ATE


Construction Contract Legal Expenses Insurance (CCLEI)

Construction is probably commercially the toughest market in the UK and the high turnover and low margins makes smaller less well financed companies particularly exposed to those with deep pockets because construction litigation can cost many tens of thousands of pounds.

CCLEI gives the smaller companies the strength to go into battle for their entitlements without the worry of the financial costs, particularly if legal proceedings become protracted and fees rack up.

So, for a very modest premium you can insure your legal costs so that when a main contractor or client holds back your payment on some spurious grounds you can match their power to force a reasonable settlement. It’s always interesting to see how often a spurious claim disappears when you reveal you have legal costs cover so you are undeterred by fees in adjudication, litigation or arbitration.



The overwhelming majority of contentious contractual disputes use Adjudication as the forum for resolution. While it is much less costly than litigation or arbitration the costs can still mount up and as in all dispute resolution, the outcome is never a given.

Adjudic-ATE provides a fixed cost solution for a referring party to an Adjudication so that were a case is lost, the costs are covered by a fixed premium.